Heal Your Inner Child Online Program

Often underlying big feelings, body image & disordered eating problems, negative thoughts, unworthiness and toxic relationships is childhood emotional neglect and trauma.
This course will take you on a deep soul journey to help you heal your inner child.
Transform Your Relationship With Food, Body & Soul® Online Program

Our challenges with food, body and health, are asking us to grow.
– Marc David
Do you feel crazy around food?
Are you fed up of dieting? …and fed up of falling off diets?
Do you obsess about good or bad, health or unhealthy food choices?
Do you struggle with comfort, binge, emotional or overeating?
Is your mood dependent on Fitbit or the scales?
Do you fat shame and hate your body?
Do you fantasize about how you will be happy when you lose weight?
Perhaps you are wondering what your struggles with food and your body are really about?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, then my TRANSFORM YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD, BODY & SOUL® online program is for you.